On 23 April 2016, HungHau Agricultural (HHA) held the Annual General Meeting 2016 at New World Hotel. In the meeting, the report of business activities in 2015 and plans and strategies foe 2016 were considered and adopted. Simultaneously, the dividend rate for shareholders at 15%/per share was announced.

The company considered 2015 as a year of great difficulties for the fisheries sector thoughout the country, but HungHau Agriculture has gradually overcome and found the appropriate direction, which is proved by the statement of the business in 2015 with impressive figures: Total revenue increased by 18% (2015/2014), gross profit before tax increased by 27% (2015/2014), wage rate went up 11.4%. Other activities such as production, sales, finance, capital construction investment, and training for employees continued to be strengthened and promoted. Following these successes, the Board of Directors has set the target for 2016 with the basic criteria namely total 27% increase in productivity, total 35% increase in revenue, and 39% increase in profit before tax. With the prospered production and business outcomes in 2015, the Board of Directors has decided to pay 15% dividend per cap to shareholders, of which 5% in cash on hand, and 10% in shares.
Speaking in the meeting, Mr. Tran Van Hau – President of the Board of Directors has raised the difficulties when the economy has many changes which partly affected the fisheries sector. However, he insisted HungHau Agriculture remained steadfast to follow sustainable development orientation based on the inherent strengths of the country, with a long coastline, traditional agriculture to continue to invest in fisheries development and agriculture. Achievements of HHA in recent years have shown the development orientation of the Board of Directors is properly set and made the commitment with shareholders.
2016 Annual General Meeting of HHA has proposed practical strategies and shown promising perspectives for sustainable development of the company, determined effort to implement the proposed plans, and created solid confidence for shareholders and employees.
HungHau Holdings Communication Dept.