Ministry of Industry and Trade officially promulgated the Decision 4769/QDD-BCT to approving the list of Reliable Exporters in 2015 based on the prequalification list and the feedbacks. Accordingly, HungHau Agricultural Corporation (HHA) – a member of HungHau Holdings is one of 45 firms of the fisheries sector to receive this award.
To be recognized as the Reliable Exporter, HungHau Agricultural has excellently met various requirements acquired by Ministry of Industry and Trade, including the minimum export turnovers, prestige in trading with foreign customers, fulfillment of obligations towards the State in terms of customs, taxation field, etc. HungHau Agricultural have appeared in most markets all over the world with a variety of products that meet the demands from active customers and difficult ones, who usually require high products’ quality and nutrition. The biggest export markets of HHA are Europe (e.g. France, Belgium, Netherlands), Japan, UAE, etc. as well as the supermarket and restaurant systems throughout Vietnam such as BigC, Coop Mart, Metro, Vinmart, Lotteria, Pizza Hut, Seoul Garden, and Circle K.

The goal of Reliable Exporters Program is to note positive contributions of firms in general export growth of Vietnam, support them in introduce and promote Vietnamese exporters to foreign partners through the trading system of Vietnam in abroad to increase the possibility of approaching and searching for consuming markets for those firms. Moreover, this program also encourages the Vietnamese exporters to improve their prestige and image in this integration era.
Previously, HungHau Agricultural Corporation was honored to receive the Gold Star Award 2015, Best Annual Report Award 2016, and an international award – ASEAN Business Awards 2016.